Services Acupuncture
Developed over 4000 years ago in China. Acupuncture works by stimulating the body to promote healing. Tread Right Podiatry have been trained in advanced acupuncture techniques that are utilized to release knots in your muscles instantly, reduce swelling, promote blood flow and even reduce the sensation of numbness in your feet and toes.
Our podiatrists use acupuncture to assist with healing of lower limb injuries. Acupuncture encourages blood flow to injured muscles, assisting with a faster recovery.
Make an appointment now:
Your Steps to Recovery
First Consult
Opportunity for our podiatrists to gain an understanding of what is causing your pain and discuss how we can get you pain free again.
Gentle Treatment
Our gentle, hands on therapies will release you from your pain.
Power Forward
We aim to get you back to the activities you love as quickly as possible.